The 5 Best Armor Sets in Ghost of Tsushima for INSANE Builds! Best Armor Sets in the Game Showcase & Stats!

Hey guys, what is up! It’s TheBoyGerald and welcome to another video! So in this video, we are going to take a look at the 5 best armor sets in Ghost of Tsushima! Just a quick heads-up, these are the 5 best armor sets in the game according to my personal taste and opinion, the stats, and my own preferences in terms of looks. This makes it perfectly possible that your selection of the best armor sets might differ and of course, that is perfectly fine!

So this was my selection of the 5 best armor sets in Ghost of Tsushima. And also a quick reminder that I made specific builds videos with every outfit and armor set discussed in this video, from fire lord builds and stealth build, to the most OP build in the game and fun all-purpose builds, make sure to check it out on the channel. So as we are heading towards the end of the video, I hope you enjoyed the video, definitely let me know if you did by leaving a like and let me know in the comments down below what your favorite armor sets are in the game or just provide your personal top 5. Furthermore, if you want to see more ghost of tsushima content make sure to susbscribe to the channel, and as always, thank you guys for watching and see you in the next one!

Best Samurai Build:

Master Archer Build:

Best All Purpose Build:

Samurai Fire Build:

Samurai Tank Build:

Unbreakable Gosaku – How To Get It:

(Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Tsushima 5 Best Armor Sets, 5 Best Armor Sets in Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Tsushima Best Armor, Best Armor in Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Tsushima Best Armor Sets, Best Armor in the Game)