A musically driven guide on how to acquire the Shield Weaver Armour early in the hit open world game, Horizon Zero Dawn, by Guerilla Games. Normally, you have to wait till the last mission to get this armour, but not so! See how you do it, with every step from starting a new game to victory covered, with some awesome music and pop culture references thrown in for good measure, as always!

Another video inspired by the awesome work by @ymfah, go subscribe to their channel and see why I pale in comparison!

00:00 Intro/Title
01:07 Part I: Early Learning
04:57 Part II: Let’s Go Shopping!
06:35 Part III: The Final Lesson
09:04 Part IV: Prove Yourself
15:24 Part V: Seek and You Shall Find
17:35 Part VI: Giddyup!
20:53 Part VII: Border Jumping
26:03 Part VIII: Be All That You Can Be
29:07 End Credits

Music Playlist:

#HorizonZeroDawn #Horizon #Zero #Dawn #HorizonForbiddenWest #Forbidden #West #gameplay #gameguides #comedy #music #gamemusic #popculture #openworld #aloy #decimaengine #decima #guerillagames #guerilla #sony #playstation #ps5 #Shield #Weaver #Armour #RIPLanceReddick