Sunbreaks official twitter revealed 2 new sets, so I figured I collect all the sets shown so far for Sunbreak 2 weeks from launch! Which set is your favorite? 🙂
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#monsterhunter #Sunbreak #サンブレイク
18.09.2024gore X ? . . . . 😢 but im want gore S or default one ( male armor )
18.09.2024You can see the dual blades though, the female hunter has them equipped when showing off the back of the cape, @0:52 in this video.
18.09.2024Espinas looks like Green Dante. Magala just looks straight up badass. I'll probably be rocking that as my layered armor lol. I want to see Master Rank Magnamalo armor.
18.09.2024Am i the only one who really love bishaten set ? Even the HR one was nuts
18.09.2024I love all the armor…except for male somnacanth, where’s my full hood or at least a half mask?!
18.09.2024I just check the armor sets of past monster hunter games just to expect what they look like because they recycle armor of past monsters the male and female gore set was already in previous games.
18.09.2024it would be nice to see shantien make it to main line game
18.09.2024One thing i would LOVE to see is unfettered layered weapons. How are you gonna give us all these cool models and then restrict which look we go with?
18.09.2024Espinas looks amazing, one thing to know about me is that I genuinely love trench coats
18.09.2024Which armor set is your favorite? LMK
So far the only missing armors (from mons revealed) are molten almudron, and hermitaur. there were some more in 1-2 second snippits in random trailers but wanted a clean showing for each armor. But what monsters await us still, for Sunbreak? excited to find out ^^