We finally have the new Lord Solar model revealed and he looks like an absolute HERO! I love this pose, I love the armour, I love his robot horse, and everything about this model is legendary!
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Internet People
08.11.2022There can only be one LORD SOLAR that is Lord solar Macharius the imperiums greatest war master!
08.11.2022I don't think it's a bad model, maybe the paint job makes it look a bit AoS as he seems to be wearing Teclis' pjs. When I close my eyes and picture the guard army I have in mind I don't see him at the head of it just now.
Joseph Rigley
07.11.2022Tbh it's kinda shit and by kinda I mean it is shit, this is peak grim derp the guard are one of the darkest and most relatable factions in the game and then you have this prick riding about on a cybernetic horse waving a sword about… oh well he'll probably never get used anyway.
Ben Ives
07.11.2022What the shit?
I saw this on GWs community website, didn't really read the article and I just assumed he was age of sigma!
There is nothing 40k about this!
07.11.2022This guy looks very like how Emperor Aurelian is portrayed in art, down to the white horse. It will be interesting reading the lore when it comes out, and seeing whether it is similar to Aurelian's story.
Dan S
07.11.2022Yarrick is Dead
Long Live the new Lord Solar
CK Gaming
07.11.2022There is an entire line with this kind of look, they're called Cities of Sigmar freeguild. Seriously, if this is your new favourite guard model, consider trying aos
Casual Gaming
07.11.2022Great model. Hope he will get a nonor guard in the same design.
Tony Bellew
07.11.2022One of the stupidest minis GW have brought out in 20 years.
Alexander Shaw
07.11.2022It's all elegant fun until your horse gets hit with a lascannon and eaten by a Maulerfiend…
07.11.2022A guard regiment from Terra itself would be cool.
Golden armour, high quality lasguns and other outrageous technology
Jsh Pk
07.11.2022I don't care about some brand new character I've never heard of. Where the fuck is the updated Yarrick sculpt? New Iron Hand Straken? More plastic Krieg?
GW give us what we actually want Challenge: Impossible Difficulty
06.11.2022It is good to remind people now and again that 40k is inherently deeply, deeply silly. And that's part of what makes it friggin' awesome.
Praise our Robot Horselord.
06.11.2022I'm not sure about it, considering its supposed to be the lord solar I'd have expected a bit more …. Ornate armour I guess?
Sort of a bridge between a primarchs fancy armour, like Horus heresy fulgrim and a normal human.
This is one of those few models I feel could have done with a bit more going on.
It also of looks like a generic age of sigmar/fantasy lord to me.
On first glance I thought it was a fantasy model not 40k.
Not bad looking or anything, I just don't think it fits quite right for the character it's based on.
But that's just my opinion.
06.11.2022Yarrick can't go away. He's too angry to die.
06.11.2022Look like the horse stands on a Chaos-Reavers head. Maybe something we will see in the next two years? 😛
06.11.2022The new Kill Team Navis Breachers might make a cheaper alternative to Solar Auxilia for a Guard regiment befitting of the Lord Solar.
michael james
06.11.2022i have no interest in playing guard. i want this though. this just looks fun to paint
James L
06.11.2022I may be in the minority here, but I’d rather have a lord solar on foot who could ride in a tank.
Joel Cassin
06.11.2022I would love for that model to have a mounted command squad, with and entire mounted army of rough riders.
Cody Curtin
06.11.2022Me: damn I wanna start a Guard army
My unpainted/not built Grey Knights and TBD Space Marine armies: OH ARE YOU NOW
Mad Merlins
06.11.2022I think it's a great model, it's just not doing anything for me. The new tank? Yes love it. This guy? Not so much.
04.11.2022Dislike the model. Be a fine Age of Sigmar model for Cities of Sigmar. The Ursula Creed model is better for an Imperial guard commander
04.11.2022He's on top of a reiver titan
Mothers Milk Ltd
04.11.2022Looks like shit.
04.11.2022standing on a Reaver head, its a titian
04.11.2022you should doa guard army, valrak…. you love tanks, and who has the most tanks? imperial guard, also the horse is a cyborg horse, it is an actual horse with robot parts.
Chris Homenuk
04.11.2022Has a Bretonnian feel to it lol.
Brandon Burt
Justin LeMacks
04.11.2022Love the model, hate the head.
The Consummate Nerd
04.11.2022So they are now selling mounted Sigmarites for 40k?
Dominick D'Ambrosio
04.11.2022It looks amazing, but if I have one gripe it’s the face it looks a little jenky.
Bernardo LEyva
03.11.2022Nice a mech horse for the IG now we need mech mounts like griffons, lions, etx
03.11.2022everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this model looks fucking stupid
Luddite 70
03.11.2022What is a average AoS model doing with the 40k logo over it?
Kenneth MacGregor
03.11.2022It's a cyber horse, so it does have horsey bits, it's not purely mechanical. To be honest I'm surprised the rider isn't standing on top of the horse with a tactical rock under his foot..It appears that his face was first sculpted back in the 90's.
john mccutchan
03.11.2022Coming soon: Baneblade Horse Trailer.
03.11.2022Interesting, GW is one of few companies that does not care what their customers want 🤔
Azyia Steelheart
03.11.2022I feel absolutely nothing when I look at this model. It's a guy I've never heard of, its a bland paint job, and it's just too fantasy for the guard I had in mind. I can't see myself ever buying this model, even if the rules make it the best character in the codex.
alek madrid
03.11.2022Absolute trash* fixed it for you
Osama Obama
03.11.2022Nice Model, for AOS…..
03.11.2022so uh anyone else thinking about making his helmet more like the supreme patriarch balthasar gelt?
william amely
01.11.2022He reminds me of Warhammer total war character, the Emperor of the Empire, in fantasy. Gorgeous model.
Clee III
01.11.2022Where was he when Cadia fell? At Terra doing paperwork?
01.11.2022Every time I look at this mini I can't see it in 40K, feels like it should be a part of the old Empire range 😂
01.11.2022is he lord solar the second or something like that
Bryan Wegner
01.11.2022Okay that last image with the darker lighting looks so much better than the one in the article.
I'm just sad it ain't my boy Yarrick.
Alejandro RP
01.11.2022Absolute anacronism, and not in a cool way :/
Dominic Marsh
01.11.2022That's a Reaver titan face on the base 😮
Changer of Ways
01.11.2022This is my favorite Supreme Commander model. Sorry, Magnus.