Complete Race Guide For High Elves

Complete Basics Guide for Universal Campaign Mastery:

Advanced Diplomacy and Confederation Strats:

Never Lose a Battle with my Unbeatable Campaign Formation:


00:00 Intro
00:43 Differences Between WH2 and WH3
01:37 Tiers Explained
03:00 Why Balance Matters
03:48 High Elves
06:10 Confederations in WH3
07:00 Dark Elves
09:25 Skaven
11:00 Beastmen
11:50 Wood Elves
12:35 Winds of Magic Changes
14:16 Bretonnia
15:45 Greenskins
17:05 Dwarfs
18:45 Vampire Coast
20:13 Tomb Kings
22:00 Lizardmen
24:38 Empire of Man
26:40 Vampire Counts
29:02 Norsca
30:20 Warriors of Chaos
32:15 WH1&2 vs WH3
33:30 Kislev
34:55 Grand Cathay
36:35 Ogre Kingdoms
37:43 Legion of Chaos
38:35 Slaanesh
39:45 Nurgle
40:40 Tzeetch
41:23 Khorne

“Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA or the Creative Assembly in any way. For more information on Total War, please visit .”

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